OKC Entity Organization
Jennifer A. Bruner, Attorney at Law, PC offers legal guidance for the structure and organization of your business.
No matter whether you are just deciding to open a business or if you have been in business for years, we provide detailed advice and support, including entity organization and business formation. A legal entity (LLC, PLLC, or Corporation) can be formed to protect your rights and interests. From registering as an LLC and creating entity documents, to acquisitions or sales, we are here to assist with comprehensive legal entity organization advice throughout the life of your business.
When forming a new entity, getting off to the right start with the necessary documents and filings is vital. Our Firm answers questions and provides a clear path forward for your organization while providing the tools and documents you need. Clients also receive insight and guidance on the hiring of employees versus independent contractors, entering into contracts or drafting policies and procedures, and referrals to other professionals as needed. We want to help you in the first steps of your business and be there to support you and make adjustments over the long life of your business.
More About Entity Organization
Our firm’s goal is to handle the legal aspects of entity organization while giving you a trusted legal advisor with access to referrals and resources to help your business succeed.
Below are the most popular types of organizational structures that our firm helps to guide legally:
- Limited liability company: An LLC is a prevalent business structure that is owned by its members and offers personal liability protection and the benefits of pass-through taxation. Our firm can help ensure your LLC is legally compliant and on the path to thriving.
- Sole proprietorship: Sole proprietorships are common for small businesses or entrepreneurs. This type of business is owned by one person alone, who makes the decisions and absorbs all of the risks. Our firm can assist with options to provide more protections to the owner by establishing an entity.
- Corporation: A corporation is a business entity that is owned by its shareholder(s), who may elect officers and/or a board of directors to oversee the organization’s activities.
- Partnership: A partnership is between two or more business owners. Together, they split the profits and the pains of owning a business. Our firm can help guide partnerships and define the relationship and responsibilities of each partner.
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